
Friday, 4 July 2014

Borderland Defender - Two years later

Finally two years after starting Borderlands...
I finally acheived the platinum trophy!
 The servers for Borderlands finally closed, I believe in May.....prompting me to finally get my ass in gear and finish the game!
I actually really enjoyed this game and could actually just grind for hours, as it was beneficial to do this.....that was until the game glitched on me as it saving and completely corrupted my save file, meaning I would have to start AGAIN!!!
I'm telling you it was very lucky this was a psn download rather than a physical disc, as I would of used the disc as a frisbee! haha.

Anyway after major gamer rage.....two years later, i returned to this wonderful game ensuring I backed it up with PS+ every single time I finished playing, and finally acheived the platinum trophy!
(As yes, I am one of these noobs who have PS+ who NEVER use the autosave feature)

Two years later.....but better late than never eh!
 So maybe now I can finally start on with Borderlands 2, considering 'Borderlands The Pre-sequel' is getting released in 3 months time!  So yep, this is my longest ever time to achieve a platinum due to gamer rage!
Whats your longest time taken to achieve a platinum?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats again babe.

    Looking through my titles, even though some of them. I'll list them, and I'm going through my list for you, feel special :P

    Asura's Wrath took me 11 months

    I started Arkham Asylum is 2009, but didn't bother with the plat until 2014

    So, I'll stop there, and say that's my record :P
